T e c h n i c a l D o c u m e n t a t i o n
All of Manaras-Opera's operators are supplied with complete documentation, including installation/instruction manuals and wiring diagrams.
However, if you have lost yours or simply need additional copies, please locate the operator model from the menu below and press go. Then select the document you are looking to view or download from the available documentation listed.
If you do not have the Acrobat Reader click here
Selection Guide
Our Operator Selection Guide can assist you in selecting the right operator for your needs, please select your language preference below.
Other Products
We've also prepared Miscellaneous Technical Documents regarding some of our various other products. Please click on the link above to view the list of documents to choose from.
** If you need additional information, please contact our Customer Service Department, or send us an email to: info@manaras.com.